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Members of Union




Charter of the Union of Theatre Workers of Azerbaijan

(second edition)

Baku - 2014




1.1 The Union of Theatre Workers of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”) is a non-profit and a non-governmental organization uniting theatre professionals based on common interests, a voluntary basis, the principles of equality of members, it does not set income generation as the main goal of its activities and distribution of the income received among members , and its activities cover the whole country.

1.2. The Union operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-Governmental Organizations (Public Associations and Foundations)”, other regulatory legal acts and this Charter.

1.3. The Union acquires the status of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

1.4 Legal address of the Union is: 10, Khagani street, Baku.




2.1. The goal of the Union is to unite Azerbaijani theatre workers for the progress and development of performing arts in the Republic.

2.2. To achieve its goals, the Union performs the following tasks:

- carries out creative programs, helps to solve issues related to the development of performing arts of Azerbaijan and the mutual enrichment of the national theatrical culture of people in the Azerbaijan Republic;

- cooperates with theatre organizations and theatre figures of other countries, with various creative organizations of our country and abroad, propagandizes the achievements of the Azerbaijan performing arts;

- provides social and creative assistance, financial assistance to members of the Union, retirees and theatre workers who are temporarily not working, helps them improve their living conditions, helps them take care of their health without interrupting their working;

- sends abroad and receives delegations, theatre groups, organizes creative events and exhibitions with the participation of other theatrical figures and public organizations;

- carries out entrepreneurial activity that serves the achievement of the goals stipulated in the Charter and set during the creation of the organization, in the manner prescribed by law, manages the work of the creative and industrial association and determines the forms and methods of its activities, establishes managers, makes the necessary changes in the process of institutions.




The Union has the following rights:

- to arrange deals on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights, take up posts, act as a plaintiff or a defendant in court;

- to spread information about its activities;

- to create branches and representative offices in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and abroad;

- to join various international non-governmental organizations, to create unions by uniting on a voluntary basis, to participate in the creation of unions of legal entities, to join such unions;

- to open accounts and settlements in banks;

- to have an independent balance, a seal with the name and other details;

- to engage in business activities not prohibited by law and consistent with the objectives of the Charter;

- to enjoy the other rights determined by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.




4.1. A member of the Union of Theatre Workers of Azerbaijan may be a theatre worker who adopted the Charter, has worked for at least 4 years in the field of performing theatrical art and is actively engaged in creative work, meets the high requirements of skill and ethical requirements.

Young people with exceptional talent can be accepted into the Union with less experience. The decision is made by the Administration Board by a simple majority vote.

4.2. The rules for admission to the Union are determined by the Administration Board of the Union.

4.3. The period of membership in the Azerbaijan Theatre Society is also included in the experience of membership in the Union.

4.4 Members of the Union pay membership dues. The size of membership fees is determined by the Administration Board of the Union.

Members of the Union pay a membership fee once a year at a rate of 5% in monthly earnings.

Members of the Union who do not continue to be engaged in creative work, as well as those who are on parental leave or temporarily unemployed members of the Union, are entitled to a preferential membership fee set by the Administration Board.

Pensioners who continue to work, pay membership dues in an appropriate manner.

Non-working pensioners are exempted from membership fees.

Non-paying membership dues for one year without good reason are excluded from membership in the Union.

4.5. Union members receive a single membership card based on a single sample.

4.6. Members of the Union have the right to:

- elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Union;

- make proposals to the relevant bodies of the Union to improve the work of the Union and its subordinate organizations, institutions and departments;

- use all the creative, advisory, legal, material, social and methodological assistance that the Union can provide.

4.7. Union members must:

- maintain the Charter of the Union;

- implement the decisions of the governing bodies of the Union;

- protect and develop high aesthetic and spiritual traditions of multinational Azerbaijani performing arts through their creativity;

- pay membership fees on time.

4.8. The Administration Board may apply one of the following sanctions to a member of the Union for violation of the Charter:

- censure;

- exclusion from membership in the Union.




5.1 The highest administrative body of the Union is the Conference, convened at least once a year, unless otherwise provided by law.

5.2. The rate of representation at the conference is determined by the Administration Board of the Union. Conference representatives are elected at meetings or conferences of local organizations of the Union on an alternative basis by open or secret vote.

5.3 A Conference will be deemed eligible if at least two thirds of the elected representatives are present.

5.4. An extraordinary Conference may be convened on the initiative of the Chairman of the Union or one third of the members of the Union.

5.5 Union Conference:

- determines the main activities of the Union, the program and development prospects;

- adopts the Charter of the Union, makes amendments and additions to it;

- listens to the reports of the Chairman of the Union and the Inspection Commission;

- elects the chairman and his deputies for a period of 5 years on an alternative basis, by open or secret vote;

- approves the composition of the Administration Board of the Union;

- elects the chairman and members of the Inspection Commission of the Union for a term of five years on an alternative basis, by open or secret vote;

- decides on the reorganization orliquidationof the Union;

- solves other issues related to the activities of the Union.

5.6. Decisions on the adoption, approval and amendment of the Charter, reorganization and liquidation of the Union are made by a majority of two thirds of the Conference participants, other issues are made by a simple majority vote.

5.7. The permanent executive body of the Union is the Administration Board of the Union.

5.8. The Administration Board consists of the Chairman of the Union, his deputies and four members (seven members in total) approved by the Conference. Members of the Union elected to the Administration Board may be re-elected for a new term.

5.9. Meetings of the Administration Board are convened at least once every 5 months on the initiative of the Chairman of the Union or at least one fifth of the members of the Board. The Administration Board is considered eligible if it has 2/5 of its members. Meetings of the Administration Board are chaired by the Chairman of the Union, and in his absence, one of his deputies. Decisions on matters considered at meetings are taken by simple majority. When the votes are equally divided, the decision is considered to have failed. The Chairman of the meeting is the last to vote.

5.10 Administration Board:

- carries out the current leadership of the Union in between conferences;

- approves the staff of the apparatus;

- manages the means and property of the Union within its authority;

- makes decisions on the creation or liquidation of legal entities by the Union;

- appoints and dismisses heads of legal entities subordinate to the Union, accepts their reports;

- creates branches and representative offices of the Union, appoints and dismisses their heads;

- decides on the convocation of the Conference of the Union;

- determines the rate of representation at the Conference;

- applies disciplinary action to members of the Union;

- solves other issues not related to the exclusive competence of the Conference.

5.11 Chairman of the Union:

- represents the Union in country and abroad;

- forms and directs the Administration Board of the Union;

- issues power of attorney;

- appoints and dismisses staff members;

- manages the financial means of the Union within its authority;

- issues reports at Union conferences;

- solves other issues not related to the exclusive competence of the Conference and the Administration Board of the Union.

5.12. The Chairman of the Union may transfer to his deputies the fulfillment of a part of his powers given by this Charter. The Chairman of the Union and his deputies may be re-elected to this position.

5.13. Matters related to the competence of the deputies Chairmanwill be determined by the Administration Board of the Union.

5.14 The Audition Commission is the supervisory authority of the Union.

5.15. The members of the Audition Commission of the Union are elected by the Conference for a term of five years, consisting of at least 5 members of the Union. The Chairman of the Union and his deputies, members of the Administration Board, employees of the Union apparatus may not be members of the Audition Commission. Members of the Union who are members of the Audition Commission may be re-elected for a new term.

5.16. The Commission is chaired by a Chairman elected at the Conference of the Union for a term of five years. The Chairman of the Audit Commission may be re-elected to this position.

5.17.The Chairman of the Audit Commission:

- organizes the work of the Commission, convenes meetings of the Commission and chairs the sessions;

- participates in meetings of the Administration Board of the Union with the right of an advisory vote;

- stop the implementation of decisions (orders) of the Chairman of the Union if they contradict the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Charter and include controversial issues on the agenda of the next meeting of the Administration Board;

- make reports at the Conference of the Union.

5.18. If the Chairman of the Audition Commission does not exercise its powers for reasons beyond his control, its functions will be performed by one of the members of the Audition Commission until the cause is removed or until the next Conference of the Union.

5.19. Meetings of the Audition Commission are held at least once a year. A meeting with the presence of at least 2/5 members is considered legitimate. Decisions are made by simple majority. In the case of equally divided votes, the Chairman’s vote is considered decisive in making a decision. The meeting is recorded. The protocol is certified by the signature of the Chairman.

5.20. Audition Commission of the Union:

- monitor compliance with the requirements of current legislation and the Charter;

- controls the implementation of decisions of the governing bodies of the Union;

- every year checks the financial and economic activities of the Union and its subordinate enterprises;

- submits materials on the results of the inspection to the Administration Board of the Union;

- Every year informs the Administration Board of the Union about the work done;

- make a report on its activities at the Conference of the Union.




6.1 The Union may establish branches and representative offices in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and abroad.

6.2. The branch and representative office of the Union are not legal entities and act in accordance with the Charter, approved by the Administration Board of the Union.

6.3 The heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the Administration Board of the Union.




7.1. The property or management of the Union may be any property not prohibited by law.

7.2 The sources of formation of the property of the Union in the form of money and other forms of ownership are as follows:

- regular or one-time membership fees of members of the Union;

- voluntary property rights and donations;

- profit from the sale of goods, provision of services;

- dividends, income from bonds, other securities and savings;

- income derived from the use and sale of its property;

- grants;

- other income not prohibited by law.




8.1. The activities of the Union will be terminated through the reorganization of the Union (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) or the liquidation of the Union.

8.2 Reorganization or liquidation of the Union is carried out in accordance with the law.

8.3 All property issues related to the liquidation of the Union are resolved in accordance with the Civil Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.




9.1. Issues not covered by this Charter are governed by law.

9.2 If in the future the provisions of this Charter contradict the law, the provisions of the law will apply.